Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blog 22- in progress

What I did in class today

How the teacher observation relates to the book notes
most important parts of the data for the focus.
Prerequisites of effective teaching
- he has plenty of background of teaching. 
- he teaches second grade.
- I will know more about this when he gets back to me with the interview.

Teacher as a person
- He shows a positive relationship with the students.  Willing to help them.
- he cares about his students. 
- he listens to what his students have to say.
- he gives the students feedback on what he knows.  He relays information to the students to help them.
- he makes comments to the students.  He jokes around with them but not too much to be their “friend”
- the teacher respects each student.  He does not say anything that is offensive.
- the students share stories about their personal life. The teacher makes it okay for students to share stories that are related to their life.  That what helps them see the connection.
- the teacher knows each student’s name and knows what each student is capable of.
- the teacher knows each students likes and dislikes based on their conversations between them. He will make a joke about something they don’t like to do if they are not listening.
- His classroom is very supported by all of the students.  The students respect each other- they do not say anything nasty to each other.
- he treats every student fairly based on the lesson he did.  He had different students answer the questions he asked and not called on the same person twice.
- the teacher offers plenty of opportunities to participate in the lesson. The teacher asks a lot of questions during the lesson.
- The teacher was interested in what the student had to say.
- The teacher has an excellent sense of humor and uses it with his students.  He is also willing to share jokes and make his students have fun in the class.
- He involves all of the students when doing discussions.  Even those who prefer not to talk.

Classroom management
- The diagram of the classroom is on my notes.
- it looks like he plans each lesson.
- he makes the classroom atmosphere glad to learn in. 
- the students are always working on something so it hard to misbehave. 
- the teacher has the room the way he thinks is best for instruction.
- he makes sure to tell the students the schedule for each day (the students know what the schedule for the day is)
- he knows what students need more help than others.  He helps the students who need extra help.
- I noticed that he uses numbers for his students.  So when a student needs to put something away, they put it away in their cubby /  mailbox.  The teacher uses numbers so he can keep track of the students better.   Each student has a bin where their crayons, markers, pencils, etc. are so the student do not have to get up every 5 minutes to get something.  All of their stuff has a number on it.  This also makes assigning things easier because the number of the student doesn’t change.
- The teacher has a table in the back (where I sat) where he kept all of his worksheets. – easy access.
- The teacher reinforces good behavior.  He has some sort of tickets that he gives the students at the end of the day.  (not sure what they mean, it must be good though)
- I do not think he disciplines the class as a whole. 

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