Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog 21- in progress

Post sections of your transcript or other data that you want to analyze for your research project.

Observation 1: 4-3-13- 1:45- 2:55

All of them are listening to the teacher
The teacher is interactive with the students.
All of the students are in the back sitting on the carpet in front of the smart board.
Teacher is talking with the students
*all of the students laughed when a comment was made by the teacher.  Almost like a joke. One student asked “why are we all laughing”*
Teacher asks the students questions about their writing projects.  The students answer

The teacher tells the students directions (step by step) then tells the stud. to go back to their seats.

Layout of the room- on the word document

Students are working on a writing project
Students are somewhat quiet
Students are talking with each other
3 of the students at T4 noticed I was a visitor.  T4 student 1 asked if I was the visitor in the classroom.  I said yes.
5 students are around the other teacher in the room around the computer.
Four of the students in the class (T1) are talking.
*makes classroom atmosphere to talk in relaxed*
One student is talking to the teacher about baseball, having a conversation.  Teacher is showing the stud.something.  Teacher is showing and talking about baseball together at teacher desk. He read the book to that student.
Teacher is walking over to a group of 5 students on the computer (one typing, 4 standing around).  Teacher makes a joke, turns to me, makes a face, I make the same face back (our connection we have together).  Then he tells the students that the one on the computer doesn’t need an audience.
One student in the back asked what I was doing (T4,student  3)
SU: taking notes
Stud 3: of what
SU: whats going on in the class.
Stud 3: but you don’t go to class.
SU: yes I do, I go in the morning.  I don’t have a classroom, I go to a classroom and learn, just like you.
Stud 3: oh (then goes back to working.

Other teacher in the room is helping a student on the computer.  Another students just asked her a question.

Students at T4 are talking about borrowing markers.

His classroom is very colorful, lots of posters if writing rules, math terms, etc.

Teacher is walking around the room talking to different students.

Students are working at their desk.  Some working harder than others

One student saw that my pen lit up (T4 student 3) and another  asked what kind of gum I was chewing (t4 stud 4)
Students are allowed to have water bottles on their desk.

Students are allowed to use computers to do their research.

Student is asking another student how to spell a word (T2)

Students are talking but doing their work (all of them)

Teacher is hanging up a chart on his new whiteboard. Beginning, Middle, End.

Other teacher in the room is helping a student on facts.  She is helping a student distinguish between fact and fiction. She is asking the student if what she has written down is a fact, or an opinion.

The teacher is helping a student at his desk.

T4 stud. 4: why are you sitting here?
SU: to watch you guys
T4 stud 4: you’re the girl from sunset
SU: yes.
Then we talk about her project which is on cats.  She was telling me about the diagram she is copying from the book she s using.

Teacher is on the computer helping a student look for pictures on Google.

5 students are standing around the other student in the class and going over a book.

End of the day procedures: 2:50

Teacher tells students to finish up what they are doing and getting to a stopping point.
Students put away their things and start to pack up.

Teacher calls the names of the students in the class to pick up their folder from his desk. Then the students check their mailbox to see if they have anything in there (homework, notes)

Students are getting their bookbags.

Teacher gets T4 stud. 4 a student of the week poster for her to fill out.

Teacher sees many students over by T3 stud 3 and says idk why there is a mob over by T (students first initial)

Observation 2: April 8, 2013-11:40-12:30

Teacher tells students to get their privacy folders for minute math.  She calls the students by tables.
Teacher hands out papers face down.
Students flip over papers and begin. 
Teacher is circulating around the room while the students are doing minute math.
*teacher stands in front middle of the classroom when instructing the students*
 “let’s see if I am good today” “last week I was pretty good”
T1 Stud 3 (not normally sits here) and 4 gives the teacher thumbs up when teacher got the row of addition problems correct.
T1 stud. 3- notifys teacher that she got one wrong. Teacher says “Oh man, I was doing so well” then laughs
He comes up and shows the teacher he got wrong.
Teacher tells the students to switch papers then grade. Then put in their mailbox.

Teacher shows studs. a powerpoint on smart board on Prezi.  Prezi has a ppts that connect / match up / go along with the work book and textbook.
She asks the students what capacity means. She tells them, the volume of something.
Then she has the students do another do now.  Find the equalivent fractions to 1/2 , 1/3, and ¼. Students may use fraction cards.
“some may need scrap paper and some may not” “How do you know they are equivalent” ½- half of the number equals denominator.
T1 stud 1- 64/128 = ½  teacher “ yeah I guess.” She laughs.
“I want to see more hands”
A student got an example wrong and the teacher said “not 2/3 , can anybody help out”
A student said “I counted 9 3 times and got 27 9/27” T1 stud 5
Teacher said “how about T4, any equivalent fractions, or did we say them all” they all stayed silent.
Teacher asks which one would hold more. 1c in the green one or 1c in the pink one.
“I will come to your tables”
Students are talking about it at their desks while the teacher is walking around the room showing other tables the expirement.
“Short and wide ppl were right” some of the students say “yay”
Teacher explains her answer as to why the pink short wide is holding more than the green tall skinny one.
“tell me some things that we buy that is a gallon”
Teacher is in the front of the classroom.
Teacher asks the students if they have any questions about they learned.
Asks the students questions like “how many cups are in 2 quarts”

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