Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blog 16

My Interview Protocol

Hi my name is Stephanie Underhill and I am interviewing (teacher’s name).  I am conducting a study about effective teachers.  What makes a good teacher and why. I’m interested in knowing how to become an effective teacher.  That’s why I asked (name of the teacher) to tie up some of the loose ends for me.

SU: So (teachers name), let’s get things started.
Easy Questions: Basic teacher Questions

SU: Where did you get your degree from?
SU: Where did you do your student teaching?
SU: How long have you taught?
SU: What school (s) did you teach at?
SU: What grade (s) did you teach?

Medium Questions:  More indepth

SU: Did /  do you have a mentor?
SU: What are some of your classroom procedures / discipline actions.
SU: What re some ways you relate to your students?

Open Ended Questions:

SU: What do you define as good teaching / teacher?
SU: How do your students respond to your teaching?
SU: Can you tell me a story where you had a  (good, bad, learning, still going, stands out, this will work in my classroom) experienced.
SU: I noticed that in class you tell jokes?  Why?
SU: How do you balance between too much control and not enough.
SU: I love you answer, but I have to ask: How do you know when you are teaching well?
SU: How do other teachers describe your teaching methods?  Do they see them as effective?
SU: Is there anything else you would like to add?

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