Monday, March 11, 2013

Blog 13

develop writing for your short analysis project.  This should include:

Data Set 5: Ethnographic Comparing Blogs

research question: What the students in the class seem more interested / focused on documenting on?
- What did the students write? Did they write more of what the students did or did they write what the professor did? 

your analysis of your data: (what ever writing you have developed to discuss that patterns you see in your data that provide an "answer" or ideas about your research question)

My Research: The different blogs.

       The classroom is inside the CAS building, somewhat chilly on a Thursday morning at 11:50 a.m. on February 7, 2015. I was looking around the classroom and everyone did not have a good seating posture except for Jenna who was the only person sitting in a posture that was almost perfectly. Stephanie on the other hand was seated in a very comfortable matter where she had her legs on the chair as well. When Joanna spoke, we all looked around and focused on other people's face expression. Christa was seated facing the opposite direction in comparison to all of us. Dr. C paced back and forth frequently throughout the classroom. While Jillian spoke, she stretched and Dr. C. made a joke that took a few seconds to be captured by the class. She was the first one to laugh. Jenna walked outside the room with a bag at a very fast pace. Many side conversations were taking place and Karl was sitting cornered here in the last row. While Christa was speaking of her topic she felt she did not have every one's attention and prompted a "hello" requesting that she gets every one's undivided attention. She spoke about bullying which many nodded and agreed was a good topic. Dana and myself had side conversation about bullying and our encounters while working with bullying projects herself, she based it off her brother and said she cried. At the end before Dr. Chandler said something many of us laughed for some reason (unthinkable of right now).

·         Whenever Chandler is talking to the class we all get distracted at some point - when a student is talking we all tend to be more focused and listen. The distractions include doing something off topic or talking to a neighbor about something off topic. 
·         Stephanie and I tend to look at each other confused and laugh whenever we don't understand something in class. (rest of class does this too, to whoever they are sitting by)
·         Chandler walks toward to whoever is speaking and then turns to the rest of the class when they are finished talking to tell her intake on what they said then sometimes ask for our opinion.
·         When Chandler asks the class a question and nobody knows the answer we all look at each other and laugh.
·         The entire class is constantly taking notes here and there about what Chandler is saying or what she writes on the board or even a suggestion from a classmate.
·         Joanna grasps the information given by Chandler fast and tends to answer first a lot. Sometimes hearing her restate what Chandler says helps me understand a concept if I don't understand it the first time - difference in language from a professor vs. a peer.
·         After a student talks the entire class will look at Chandler for her reaction to what they had said.
·         I kept locking eyes with Suzy on the other side of the room because we had the same look on our faces, but also trying to listen to Chandler speak at the same time.
·         Chandler was the only one moving around (except when Jenna left the room briefly) - she walked around the room by different aisles - she moved to the computer to go onto different students' blogs depending on who was sharing their research topic. 
                While observing I noticed that the three participants were females.  As they shared their projects they brought the class into nonverbal communication.  The class participated through nonverbal communication by giving  both speakers  eye contact and some even positioned their selves to view the participants.  After the teacher made a joke and the class all laughed, which then brought us to a class discussion about the different methods we will use for the project.  To conclude, this experiment Krista ended the discussion about her topic.

                I picked up my blue pen and began writing down my observations.  The first thing I noticed was that everyone in the classroom was writing.  Then, I glanced at Robert and he looked up at me, made eye contact and smiled.  I was sitting the front of the classroom when I looked two rows back at Robert.  Chandler asked Joanna to discuss her research project.  Joanna was smiling and speaking with a tone that showed her excitement behind her ideas.  Chandler asked the class a question regarding Gee.  Nobody knew the answer and the whole class looked at each other and began laughing.  From the front row looking back at the second row I noticed that Corrine's cheeks turned red when she was laughing.  Chandler continues to talk and uses her hands a lot when speaking.  I spoke about my research topic and Chandler said something about a "200 page paper."  Immediately, Joanna and I locked eyes.  My facial expression and Joanna's were the same, unaware if Chandler was joking.  Chandler laughed and made it clear that it was just a joke then preceded to say that Joanna's research ideas and mine were excellent.  Chandler's face gets red when she laughs.

                In the classroom everyone was trying to pay attention to the professor and trying to jot notes. I noticed students looking around the classroom and laughing once the caught eye contact. As professor T talked to Jillian about her project she joked saying "i should change my project" Once Professor T said something about 200 pages.  Professor T mention that everyone were trying to write down there field notes and participate and the class started to laugh. Janida and I both commented that no one was doing nothing and its nothing to write, as Professor T was talking. Krista was explained her project on college students that were bullied and how it affect them. She explained to the class but i believe no one was really paying attention because they were trying to write down the stuff that was going on. All you see are students heads to there notebooks and giggles being passed around because no one knows what to write. Professor T continued to write on the board and ask the students questions. You could read on a lot of students faces asking why would she ask us questions if we are trying to write down what people are doing.

·         SH addresses the class in a discussion about what our projects are going to be about.
·         J is describing about her research projects (very detailed)
·         while SH is addressing the class everyone around me is their notebooks.
·         SH is still asking questions to the students about our research projects.
·         while this is all going on there is a cell phone buzzing every ten seconds.
·         SH is joking with the class about this is our desecration and it will be a 200 page page.
·         class is silent for 3 seconds (mouths are open and dropped) then starts laughing because of the way SH said what will be expected of the class.
·         SH asks what Discourse is (see S's face) looks confused and trying to understand what Discourse is.
·         class still laughing and does not know what to say about what discourse is.
·         then SH is asking the students what their research projects are.
·         We use the class blog to communicate between the students and the professor in and out of class.
·         I then raise my hand and speak about my research project. I say what my topic is about to the class.......... the class is participating with comments and others are vigorously writing in their notebooks. At the same time I feel like I am making a fool of myself but in a good way. 
·         SH like my topic and the session ends.   

                During the class discussion the class was asked questions by the prof. about future research projects. Their was general feedback from the students to toward the prof. about what their project topic is about and what is it that they will be presenting. The focus on each student that spoke abroad about their project was great, they had the class full attention. More question are still being asked by the prof. to the students about what might they can add to their classmates project, more research they can focus on. Throughout all the back and fourth feedback from both the students and the prof. were good including with some jokes and giggles followed after. The prof. started jotting the names of each students in the class on the class board for the students to remember.

                Teacher starts talking and everyone in the class looks around with perplexed looks on their faces. Teacher starts talking about the different ways that we will be analyzing and asks students.
Stephanie looks around and puts her head down on the table-confused? Frustrated?

               Teacher asks for volunteers to speak about what they will be analyzing. Joanna volunteers to speak. The other students (some) look at Joanna as she speaks-giving her attention. Specifically Sharrelle, Jillian, Jenna, Corrine, and Stephanie. They also take notes. Stephanie is seated at her computer with both legs on the table. Stephanie and Corrine look at each other and giggle.

              Joanna is reading from her blog post.
Teacher asks question. Jillian raises her hand. Teacher calls on Jillian, Jillian starts talking about her project. She doesn't read. As the teacher walks to the back of the classroom Jillian continues to look at her as she talks. Others look at Jillian as she talks. Others take notes. Kimberly looks confused, but takes notes. There are giggles in the class every now and then. Stephanie and Krista look at each other. Stephanie shrugs. 

Answer to research question:

            Students were focused on both the teacher and the other students in the class.  A lot of the students focused on other student behaviors that went on during that period.  Most students wrote in detail what they observed.  All of the students listened and wrote what they observed, no matter the context.  A lot of the students were more focused on writing down what they saw than not writing.  During the period, only one or two students wrote that Jenna left the room, the rest forgot to write that detail.  Some of the students mentioned the student-teacher interaction. Chandler makes a joke, students laughed. The students made comments about the assignment and a lot of the students looked confused. "Chandler said something about a 200 page paper."  Immediately, Joanna and I locked eyes.  My facial expression and Joanna's were the same, unaware if Chandler was joking."  Another student wrote that "Kimberly looks confused, but takes notes".  A lot of the students wrote about the interaction between the students.  A student wrote "Stephanie and Corrine look at each other and giggle." Another students wrote "When Chandler asks the class a question and nobody knows the answer we all look at each other and laugh."  Some of the students even wrote down a question like "You could read on a lot of students faces asking why would she ask us questions if we are trying to write down what people are doing."

Gee's Building Tasks: Discourse, and Conversation

Discourse: Many of the students used language that is only understood in this specific class.  many of the students talked about.  

Conversation:  Some of the students said what their topic was in detail and a lot of the students gave feedback. 

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